Thursday, May 23, 2013

i would spend more time with my uncle before he died. i would be less judgmental about him and his sickness. i would talk to him more and get to know him more about his sickness. i would try harder to learn about how his eating disorder would affected him and how his heart condition would affect him. and how his divorce affected him it was very sad. if i could change that i think i could have given him a little more time on this earth. i would try to make his time better by becoming his nephew that actually was there for him.

Monday, May 20, 2013

600 mill in my pocket!

if i had 600 million in my pocket i would play keep away with everybody in my hood. haha because as soon as they hear i got money in my pocket they will all come running and asking me for money for the most dumbest stuff in this world known to man. thats why i would create a dummy corporation and get more money so i could keep up with the money. i would give some of it to my family but only like 1000 to my family and i wouldnt give any to my friends because they would just keep coming back for more money once they get just a little bit.

Friday, May 17, 2013


us gentleman think like this all the time when girls act mean and inappropiate and when they yell at us for no reason. they dont like most guys that are mean to them but all girls are mean to us. they tell us one thing and do something else the next time. girls are very confusing. i like this video because it makes me laugh when im feeling all sad. it makes me feel much better after a few minutes of getting me weak. there are many other videos that i like that make me laugh when im sad.this is my 4th blog on this website.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

if i could create a show or add another character to the show it would be csi. staring me because they don't have any black characters. i would make the show better because it will be reality instead of scripted no more fake cases. the location would be everywhere in the U.S. they would have they're own bases in every state to help stop the cases from piling up. i just hope the government will agree with us because it will cost alot of money for all these bases. our crime rate would decrease and it would give the people the real close up view of the crime in the U.S.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

If i had a million dollars i would...

If i had a million dollars i would give some money to charity. i would help my grandmother find a cure for her disease that limits what she eats. i would buy my way out of school and into college.i would see if there was a way to cure cancer. i would see if there was a way to end hunger and homelessness for the people and children on the streets and in city's. i would see if there was a way to help reduce crime for city's and remove guns so only police officers could get them. i would see if there was a way to get clean energy and help marine life.

My name is Armond

Hello my name is Armond, and i like video games, computers and basketball. i go to diamond oaks vocational school and i am training to become a welder but i dont like to weld so i am switching to a computer class that i wish that the school had but they didnt because they didnt have enough funding.i love computers and videogames because computers are easy to me. and i want to become a guy that stops hackers when i become older. and i like video games because it helps me relax when i need to relax. this is the beginning of my blog for school.